We have an exciting announcement! Segue Center is opening a new Dallas location @ Star Tutoring Centers - which is located at Highway 75 and Walnut Hill.
Segue is a “gap year” program (between high school and college/career) for older students and young adults with executive functioning issues, ADHD, social challenges, learning differences, and autism.
What is Segue Center’s Mission?
Students with learning differences, social challenges, anxiety issues, and attentional difficulties often persevere for years through elementary and secondary school programs to achieve that sought-after goal – a high school diploma. But then what?
Segue Center is the missing link between your high school graduation and the rest of your life. We help students get ready for independent living and college/career success.
Format and Scheduling
We run four 9-week terms per year, starting in January, March, August, and October. Students can enroll in one or more modules each term that best meet their needs. Most modules meet once per week for about 3 hours.
Exciting Modules for Fall 2022:
Independent Living Focus: Project-based instruction to teach skills for independence, goal-setting, and financial literacy.
Executive Functioning & Social Skills Board Games: Size-limited group focused on executive functioning skills through structured team activities and games.
Girls Group: A safe group to discuss healthy relationships, self-esteem, and current topics. (This is open to women and gender non-conforming individuals.)
Career Development Focus: Career research, interview practice, job skills, workplace troubleshooting, and entrepreneurship. Internship and volunteer opportunities are available.
College Accountability: Study skills, mandatory grade check, assignment planning, and quiet workspace for students enrolled in university or community college1:1
Career coaching: Career research, interview practice, job skills, workplace troubleshooting, and entrepreneurship. Internship and volunteer opportunities are available.
1:1 Tutoring: Get content support on any level of math, English, history, or science - even the hard courses!
Additional social programs (including getaways) are available!
From everyone at Star Tutoring, we are very excited to partner with Segue Center to help students and young adults achieve their life goals! More information is available atwww.SegueCenter.org or please call (214) 444-3431.
Voted BEST in Dallas 2021

Star Tutoring has received BEST in Dallas for Educational Institutions and Academic Services from Dallas Observer. We thank those who voted and supported us!
Star Tutoring: Online | In Center | In Home
If you need academic help, executive functioning support, or general advice for your student, please do not hesitate to give us a call! (214) 444-3431 Sam Barnes, Owner and Center Director