There are multiple keys to success in school including study skills, being organized, time management, applying spaced repetition, solving practice problems, and more. Today we will focus on one skill in particular: organization. Being organized leads to building more efficient habits, allowing students to take on harder classes and being able to make the most of their time. Although there are some standard patterns/habits commonly practiced, everyone has their own system of organization which works with their tendencies and “clicks” in their brain. The website Eighty Six Four Hundred shares nine excellent reasons of how/why organization is important. Organization helps you:
Find balance
Meet deadlines
Be less forgetful
Be more aware of what is happening around you
Reduce stress and allow you to feel in control
Save time and money
Increase productivity and efficiency
Develop patterns
Be proactive in solving problems
Many find that taking the time to be organized is a hassle and they don’t see it as a potential time-saver. But, with a little bit of practice, it will be apparent why organization is a keystone to success - academic and otherwise.
Benjamin Franklin once said: “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.”
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If you need academic help, executive functioning support, or general advice for your student, please do not hesitate to give us a call! (214) 444-3431 Sam Barnes Owner and Center Director