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Forced into being a homeschooler? Find help!

Sam B.

In the wake of the coronavirus, millions of families are now finding themselves in an unlikely position of having to homeschool their children.

Feeling frustrated? Overwhelmed? Don't know what to do? First and foremost, get some help. Ask a neighbor, reach out on social media or give us a call! We offer free advice all the time! (214) 444-3431

Here are some great tips from NBC's

1) Check your school / district website for up-to-date info.

2) Make a schedule. Or, better yet, find a daily schedule online (for free).

3) Forgot how to teach long division? Forgot what polynomials are? Find short lectures on Youtube to help brush up your skills!

4) Read aloud - alternate who is reading. It's fun and engaging. (Use fun voices for the characters and get into it!)

5) Check out the dozens and dozens of free websites with educational resources. Do NOT make your materials from scratch. Many have printable worksheets. It's important to do work both on screen but also on paper.

6) Listen to audiobooks and podcasts for getting more insightful tips while running errands, cleaning the house, or working out.

7) Remember to do PE. The brain and body needs oxygen and exercise. Allocate time throughout the day for physical activities.

8) Find educational shows and documentaries on PBS, the History Channel, YouTube, Netflix and dozens of other sources. Many museums are offering free virtual tours! Even Broadway is streaming live. Check it out.



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