We all have individual strengths and weaknesses. We have different aptitudes and deficits. For ADHD alone, there are literally thousands of different ways the symptoms can combine and manifest in different people. Some students with ADHD may have great working memory but terrible time management. Others might have awesome self regulation (focus) but terrible work stamina. All of these are on a scale - they are not binary.
This means that how everyone learns is different. In all likelihood, what works for me will not work for you. Of course there can be best practices - tips and strategies that generally tend to work. But, there is no single one-size-fits-all solution that works for all students with ADHD.
At Star Tutoring, we have a 4-step methodology for our Star Sessions (organization, planning, execution and wrap-up). We have templates and frameworks. We have a preferred methods for organizing binders. We have a suggested way for developing planners. These tools are useful, but ultimately, our delivery of services are customized to the every student's strengths and weaknesses.
It starts with a 1:1 consultation to develop goals and objectives. And then, we deploy our methodology, but we custom-tailor it for each student. We often try new strategies for organization and time management with our clients and it's important to know that we might not nail it 100% on the first session! New systems take time to implement and tweak. If they don't work for the individual student, then we try something different. Over time, our goal is to hone in on a set of systems and processes that enable success and independence for our learners.
For a free consultation, call us at (214) 444-3431